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Journal Entries

A journal entry is used to record an accounting transaction in the general ledger. Workday Finance replaced Financial Edge as our general ledger system effective January 1, 2024.

Workday Worktags

Financial Edge account codes and projects have been discontinued. Account codes have been converted to spend or revenue categories in Workday. Projects have been converted to worktags in Workday, including Cost Center, Grant, Gift, or Project. Please use the links below to find your new values:

Create Journal in Workday (Department Accountants)

Submit Journal by Email (Campus)

Download: Manual Journal Entry template

To help us process your journal entries efficiently, please:

  • Make sure that total debits equal total credits.
  • Enter a description (debit and credit description do not have to be the same).
  • Attach supporting documentation.
  • Obtain an authorization for charges to worktags and include supporting documentation, or copy the approver on the email.
  • If you have more than ten entries, create new rows in the template. For each new journal entry line, please add an additional tab for the supporting documentation.

If you have any questions about journal entries, please contact Marc Berry.